Procrasti-planning and Procrasti-creating? How to Stop Overthinking Everything and Get Going When You’re Feeling Stuck and Overwhelmed

Procrasti-planning and Procrasti-creating?

How to Stop Overthinking Everything and Get Going When You’re Feeling Stuck and Overwhelmed

Are you stuck in the cycle of endless planning, course-creating, and learning, but never actually getting to the fun part—selling your amazing offer? If that sounds like you, then this episode of Money Magnet Mama is your wake-up call (with a splash of confetti, of course)! 🎉

Let’s be real: Procrastination comes in many sneaky forms. Whether you’re stuck in planning mode, endlessly crafting content, or binge-learning every strategy under the sun, it’s all just a clever way of avoiding the main event—launching and selling your offer!

In this episode, we’re diving into:

✨ How to recognize when you’re in “productive” procrastination mode (hint: it’s when you’re busy but not moving forward).

✨ The importance of creating white space to spark those creative breakthroughs that will move the needle in your business.

✨ Why you need to stop overcomplicating things, ditch the distractions, and just get started!

✨ How to get your mojo back, even when you’re feeling stuck, overwhelmed, or just plain blah about your business.

If you’ve been spinning your wheels, waiting for the “perfect” time to launch, this episode is your permission slip to stop waiting and start doing. Trust me, the longer you wait, the harder it gets. So let’s break free from the procrastination trap and start making some magic!

Ready to get unstuck? Tune in to the full episode here, and let’s get you back on track to launching, selling, and living your best business life!

Up Next:

Does Launching Make You Feel Anxious? Learn How the Simple Strategy of “Launch & Chill” Will Guide You to Sales Success with Ease.

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